An indulgently romantic programme, featuring the Romances by Clara and Robert Schumann, three evocative pieces by Huw Watkins and the sublime violin sonata in G by Brahms. The connecting strands are works dedicated to Clara by Brahms and Mendelssohn.
~ Huw Watkins (piano) & Sijie Chen (violin) ~
Tickets: £45 including drinks. Vermeer Season Pass available. Tickets for this concert are strictly limited and must be booked in advance.
Duration: approx. 1 hr 45 mins (including a short interval)
Robert Schumann - Romances op.94
Huw Watkins - Coruscation & Reflection
Clara Schumann - Romances op.22
interspersed by
Felix Mendelssohn - Song without Words, op. 62 no.6 'Frühlingslied'
Johannes Brahms - Intermezzo in Eb, op.117 no.1
Huw Watkins - Arietta
Johannes Brahms - Sonata for piano and violin in G, op.78